Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A typical day

I realized that I haven't taken many pictures of my girl lately so I am trying to document a typical summer day for us.

Before heading out to the park, we shared a peach. After working on it for a few minutes she handed me the completely clean peach pit!

We spent about an hour and a half at our favorite park. It's Brinkop Park but we call it "little park." It's about an 8 minute walk and has just been resurfaced in recycled tires instead of messy mulch. Awesome!

Walking on the "balance beam" about 19509 times.

Being silly in the tunnel

LOVE the baby chubby cheeks here

On mama's swing

We started out the morning going down the slide head-first like usual

Then climbing up...

Then she learned how to go down on her bottom!

WOO HOO!! We did this about 19805 times. She was so proud of herself! She goes faster this way and I think that's why she likes it.

Snack time again. We are total stone heads. You know, stone fruit? Geez. Peaches, plums, nectarines, and cherries are totally our faves right now.

Looking like a big girl finding what other snacks we packed.

We decided to check out the other neighborhood park and stayed there for about 30 minutes. Her obsession with yellow started here with the yellow swing. There are 4 baby swings: 3 black and 1 yellow. Which one do you think all of the kids want?

We had a picnic lunch and she learned how to do this fun trick!

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