Monday, October 15, 2012

Around the house

I conducted a version of the "marshmallow test"  last week with Violet. She picked out a rainbow cookie from a bakery down the road and I told her she could eat it when we got home.  She just couldn't eat any of it until I said so.  Would you know the girl held onto the bag containing the cookie the entire way home and waited at the table while I unloaded groceries until I said she could eat it?  She passed with flying colors and impressed me with her delayed gratification! 

Whoa!  It's all hers.
This big and blank wall was starting to get on my nerves.  I have been wanting to do a little re-decorating on a budget and I came up with a plan.

A trip to Hobby Lobby (hadn't been there in years!) helped me get going.  Also, pinterest. Totally pinterest!

I found a frame I liked, painted it, and painted the glass with chalkboard paint.

I think it looks much better!  I get to display a few original prints and artwork we've picked up from Portland and local art fairs. 
We also decided to paint the hall closet door with chalkboard paint just for fun.

It totally worked!  Violet asked for a rainbow and the moon and stars.  That's about as far as I can take my limited drawing skills.  She, however, is working on making the bottom half into a mass of circles.  So happy to have a change around here!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I love the chalkboard paint! Would be a cute way to do a growth chart too. That little girl is just growing up way too fast.