Friday, November 5, 2010


I walked in yesterday to help her settle down for a nap and I found her standing up. We lowered the crib mattress last night and I thought would help. Alas, I found her like this while she was trying to take a morning nap. She can pull up on just about anything, but doesn't know how to get back down.

We're heading to Target later today to get some safety guards for the top of the crib because she was gnawing on the wood!!!


Meg O. said...

Oh No! Look at that pitiful face she is giving you!!! We went through that for about two weeks.... He would stand up and just scream for someone to help him down. We just kept showing him and now it cracks us up b/c he just lets go with both hands and plops on his bottom. She is a smarty pants so she will figure it out quickly! But gosh in the mean time, that face just makes me want to scoop her up!! Love you!

Ashley said...

Poor girl. Doing all these things for the first time can be tough. I'm sure she'll get the hang of it soon. And I don't know any kids who didn't gnaw on the wood. Hope your crib protectors are helping with that. I was always less concerned with the bed than I was the fact that my kid was eating WOOD and PAINT! Now that Natalie's big, I'm sure there are worse things she's eaten. :)