Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Dog Dog Days of Summer

Happy 11 months, Isaac man!

We had a spectacularly wonderful visit from Aunt Riley. The kids LOVE Aunt Riley.  Like, LOVE.

We hit all of the free STL kid attractions  - this was the Butterfly House.  V wore a flower shirt and her butterfly necklace to disguise herself so that butterflies would land on her.  One even grazed her hair and it was pretty exciting!

A friend gave me about 20 pounds of tomatoes (for real) and it turns out Isaac eats them like apples.

You must try playing in the rain wearing a dance costume and cowgirl boots. 

This kid is getting close to walking on his own...

Swimming like a fish this year!  I got nervous at the end - but she made it safely to the wall!!!
Playing peak-a-boo

Isaac's favorite game: pillow wrestling

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