Tuesday, January 29, 2013

13 in 2013

Our first 13 in '13 date night was a success!  We went ice skating in Kirkwood and it was all kinds of fun.  Neither of us had been skating in over 15 years!  It was fun to try something we've never done together.  Nate schooled me in skating, but I looked cuter.  So, it's a tie.
It took a while to get my bearings before we did the quintessential holding hands skate around the circle!

Product DetailsProduct Details
We headed to Kaldi's in Kirkwood after skating for a treat and to do some more questions in these awesome trivia books.  So far I am beating him 19 to 16!  We got these books from Amazon and they are awesome and so fun for married couples who think they know everything about each other.  Hilarious!

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