Thursday, March 3, 2011

Not even 9 am!

It's not even 9 am yet and I already have 4 videos to share. Violet is in a particularly good mood this morning and she's coming out of the sickness fog. It's like her body was so focused on getting well for a week or so and now that she's better she's developing in fast forward. This morning she started saying DOG! Just in the last couple of days she is:

-really trying to say new words: dog, duck, bath, and Jack
-when I say "time for a diaper change" she grabs her diaper and crawls right to her room
-likes to help me unbuckle her car seat, high chair, or anything else
-gets excited and heads for the door when I say we're going bye-bye
-dances to all kinds of music
-can throw balls, bean bags, and other things

The sign for "apple" is, apparently, hilarious.

Learning to say "dog" and showing me her favorite dogs in her DOG book from Aunt Laura.

Playing curtain peekaboo.


Ashley said...

So cute! That girl loves her dogs. It probably does help that you have one. :) Looking back on that outfit, it's hard for me to remember that Natalie was that small just a few years ago. Enjoy those first few words and little sounds. She's going to be off to preschool before you know it!

Meg O. said...

All dogs poop and all dogs pee! We love that book :)

She is just getting so big and growing so fast. Its amazing! I can't believe that her 1st bday is this month!!!

Love the videos!