Monday, February 7, 2011


Sorry for the lack of posts lately - we are in the midst of some serious sleep training. The sleep has been not so good for a while, then rough, then bad, and finally really really terrible. The day she woke up at 2:30 am and didn't go back to sleep until her morning nap was the real breaking point!

We're working on nighttime sleep and naps and we've got a good system thanks to The Sleep Lady book. It's been 3 days and things are getting way better, hallelujah! We've been asking God for wisdom and patience about this process and we are thankful things are getting better.

For the next week or so our days and nights will be consumed with getting good sleep, so I hope to post some well-rested pictures of all of us soon!



Ashley said...

Oh dear. Saying a prayer for you guys. Just remember, "this too shall pass." Sleep issues are so hard. Good luck!

Meg O. said...

Praying for you guys! Just keep reminding yourself as well that you are doing what's best for her... and I know the training will pay off. She will feel so amazing when she is getting a full nights rest!! You are such a good mom... I love you and am continually praying for wisdom and peace for you parents :)